What is it?
Move + Correct is a program intentionally designed to keep you active and pain-free your entire life. Ideal candidates for this program are individuals that currently suffer from acute/chronic pain while exercising or performing simple daily functions. The reality is our methodology and prescriptions have shown to rehab many out of pain without going to a doctor OR having to quit the gym. If injuries present beyond our scope through our 5 system approach outlined below, we have a trusted group of preferred specialists to refer. Additionally, we provide programming to stay pain free focusing on “pre”hab interventions so you don’t ever have to stop the activities you are most passionate about! We value and attribute our care, consistency, and communication to our client’s success.
We utilize a Multi-5-System approach to corrective exercise individually tailored to you. We use an in person and/or online coaching platform to prescribe your individualized training so you can have an individualized approach with a coach or when your schedule allows.
How does it work?
In our Multi-5-System approach we start with:
Assessing your Flexibility (Your ability to move through ranges of motion passively or under load).
Assessing your Mobility (Your ability to hold a position or range of motion using strength).
Assess your Strength Balance. We use multiple tests to compare your major movement patterns (Hinge, Squat, Press, Pull) with your single leg and arm strength (right limb versus left limb) to create ratios that allow us to see where your body is most vulnerable and why it could be leading you to pain.
Assess your training volume to recovery ratio. (How often you are working out, how intensely, and how complimentary your sleep, diet, stress, and other factors are).
Assess your skill level and acquisition. (If everything else looks good, then we identify what skills you are lacking or that need to be reinforced to accomplish your goals).
Upon reviewing the assessments, we will make a professional recommendation as to whether you are a good candidate to work with us to stay or get out of pain and to become a stronger and more resilient individual.
What you will get from your coach:
3 corrective workouts/week
1 general recovery workout/week
1/week communication through our True Coach platform
Did you know?
Joint and/or muscle pain can be prevented and significantly reduced by performing specific corrective work for your body helping you to move more efficiently and without pain in your workouts. Making sure your body is performing the correct modifications and corrective movements in the gym can allow you to become pain free in your day to day life, prevent future injury, and allow you to increase performance. If you have ever had to stop and think about how you are going to pick up your kids, tie your shoe, or do anything in your life that you should be able to do pain free, we should talk.
Move + Correct has helped members in the gym finally be able to move pain free. We have given them the ability to perform workouts that they love, go through life doing the activities they want to or have to perform without discomfort or second thought, and have finally relieved them of their pain after weeks, months, and years of being trapped and hindered by it.
To apply and see if you are a good client for our help please fill out the inquiry form below and one of our Move + Correct team members will get back to you immediately to set up a complimentary phone consultation!