nutrition coaching

Our nutrition coaching program is very successful. But, be warned, it is very different. While it is not uncommon to see rapid results with dramatic before and afters, we don’t base our success on short term. We measure success on long term maintenance of the results achieved.

Unlike other programs, which provide you with meal plans on a regular basis, we “coach” you through the process, we don’t do it for you. Like the old saying: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he will eat for life.” Our program is designed to move you through the stages of being dependent, to independent and then interdependent.

Our program is built upon 3 main components:

  • Coaching

    • Guide you through your journey from start to finish

    • Provide you with calorie and macro targets based on lifestyle and goals

    • Unlimited messaging support through our premium platform

  • Accountability

    • Follow-up every 7-10 days (Zoom or FaceTime)

    • Discuss prior week’s data, actions/behaviors and results

    • Devise an action plan for the upcoming week aimed at success

  • Community

    • Access to exclusive ‘Members of The Fit’ Facebook group

    • We don’t advocate one method over another. We employ a flexible, principle based system of calorie and macro tracking that can pair that with any preferred delivery to help you attain your goals.

Here are a few of the most common “diets” we can pair with our program:

  • Zone

  • Paleo

  • IIFYM – aka “Macros”

  • Reverse Dieting

  • Intermittent-Fasting

  • Keto (low-carb)

  • Cyclical Keto (carb cycling)

  • Vegetarian

  • Vegan

  • Gluten Free

  • Dairy Free

  • Initial consult and assessment

  • 100% personalized nutrition program

  • Access to private ‘Members of The Fit’ Facebook group

  • Premium software to manage your nutrition, send you reminders, track your progress

  • Weekly coaching, messaging, and accountability

  • Two InBody 570 biometric body composition scans (Start and Finish)

  • Initial consult and assessment

  • 100% personalized nutrition program

  • Access to private ‘Members of The Fit’ Facebook group

  • Ongoing Coaching and accountability

  • Premium software to manage your nutrition, send you reminders, track your progress

  • Unlimited coaching, messaging, and accountability

  • Three InBody 570 biometric body composition scans (Start and Finish)

  • 1 (30 minute) client Zoom check-in per month w/ your Coach
